Reposting all this stuff here, I might pretty it up later (maybe).
The rune fencer is a job capable of controlling the ebb and flow of battle through the use of offensive and defensive runes inscribed upon their flesh to bolster their combat capabilities. Just as with the paladin and ninja, they excel in keeping their comrades safe, particularly with respect to magical damage from the elements. They are also practitioners of divine and enhancing spells, enabling them to be prepared for any engagement.
There are eight varieties of runes, each corresponding to a particular element. Harboring a particular rune adds its elemental affiliation to the rune fencer's repertoire, and a total of three runes may be active at any given time.
Runes are physical representations of a rune fencer's power.
When a rune fencer harbors a particular rune, he gains elemental resistance and deals additional damage from certain elements on autoattacks. Furthermore, harbored runes grant the rune fencer access to two special abilities--wards and effusions--which he can utilize in encounters to call forth a diverse array of offensive and defensive techniques.
Some Examples of Runes
Harboring Lux increases resistance against darkness and deals additional light elemental damage.
Harboring Flabra increases resistance to earth and deals additional wind elemental damage.
Wards are abilities that enable the rune fencer to transform runes into a variety of powerful defensive effects. Different types of wards yield different effects.
The rune fencer invokes the shielding energies of his runes, reducing elemental damage taken by all party members in the area of effect. The types of elemental damage reduced depend on the runes harbored. Increasing the amount of runes of the same type further bolsters resistance, while inscribing runes of several different types broadens the scope of resistances.
Other wards include
Ward: Pflug
The rune fencer calls upon the dormant vivacity of his runes, increasing resistance against status ailments.
Effusion is en ability that enables the rune fencer to transform runes into powerful offensive abilities. Different types of effusion yield different effects.
The rune fencer discharges his runes in a debilitating tempest, consuming them to rend his foe's defense against damage from the elements. The types of defense reduced depend on the runes harbored. Increasing the amount of runes of the same type further increases the effect.
Other effusions include
Effusion: Lunge
The rune fencer unleashes the force of his runes in a deadly blast, expending all runes to deal elemental damage to a target. The number of runes of the same type harbored determines the damage dealt.
The rune fencer enhances his mastery over his blade, increasing his evasion and accuracy over time. One should not let his guard down even in this heightened state, however, for being the target of a critical hit will reset this value.
The rune fencer enhances his natural nimbleness, greatly increasing his evasion against physical special attacks. The effect diminishes over time.