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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-08-21 13:24:53
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Typed this out for my Free Company website to, hopefully, help better explain certain stats. Thought I'd post here too.

(note on the Miner and Botanist notes on STR/DEX/INT/MND; I can't remember exactly which bonuses these stats will give when you have the value or higher needed for Tree/Stone Whisperer, so I only listed "enhances gathering" rather than what they do exactly. Sorry.)

Main Attributes
Strength - Increase melee attack power. (Weapon Skills/Auto Attack)
Increases the % of damage mitigated when you parry. For Miner, enhances gathering should Stone Whisperer conditions be met.

Dexterity - Increases ranged attack power. (Ranged Weapon Skills/Ranged Auto-Attack). Increases chance of parrying and/or blocking an attack. As Botanist, enhances gathering should Tree Whisperer conditions be met.

Vitality - Increases HP. Does NOT increase Defense, nor does it affect MRD's attack power like it did in 1.0.

Intelligence - Increase magic attack power. (Fire/Ruin/Stone etc.) For Botanist, enhances gathering should Tree Whisperer conditions be met.

Mind - Increases Cure Potecy. (Cure and Physick for Arcanist.) For Miner, enhances gathering should Stone Whisperer conditions be met.

Piety - Increases MP.

Battle Stats - These stats are not affected by your main attributes at all. Example; DEX in FFXI would increase Critical Hit Rate. In FFXIV, Critcal Hite Rate can only be increased or decreased via armor/food/skills/status effects. The only exceptions to this are STR/DEX for attack power, Dex for Parry, INT for magic attack potency, and MND for Healing Magic potency.

Accuracy - Increases Physical/Ranged/Magical hit rate. The higher the number, the less likely you are to miss. (and spells can miss in this game)

Critical Hit Rate - Increases Physical/Ranged/Magical critical rate. The higher the number, the more likely you are to crit.

Determination - Increases attack power of all skills/spells you use. Also, increases HP restored when Cure/Physick are casted on you. (Meaning your determination and the caster's Mind affect cure potency)

Defense – Overall physical damage reduction. (Mainly gained through equipment/certain actions/Protect.)

Parry – Your chance to parry. Parrying reduces incoming damage by a certain percentage. (Chance to parry increases via actions, armor and Dexterity. Amount of damage% mitigated increases via actions, armor and Strength.)

Magic Defense - Overall Magical damage reduction. (Mainly gained through equipment/certain actions/Proshell (Protect from a Lv16+ CNJ/WHM.)

Attack Power – Your overall physical damage capability. Increased via actions and equipment (weapon being used being the main factor)

Skill Speed – Reduces recast time of weapon skills.

Slashing - Resistance to slashing type damage. (Swords, Axes, certain monster attack types.)

Piercing – Resistance to piercing damage. (Polearms, Arrows, certain monster attack types.)

Blunt – Resistance to blunt type damage. (Fists, Staves, Clubs, certain monster attack types.)

Attack Magic Potency - Your overall magic damage capability.

Healing Magic Potency – Your overall healing capability.

Spell Speed – Reduces cast time of magical skills.

Morale - PVP only stat. Decreases damage taken while engaged in PvP.

Gathering stats
GP(Gathering Points) - Acts as MP for Miner/Botanist. Recharges by 5 GP every 3 seconds while not gathering. While gathering, GP recovery only happens when you gather something successfully, and increases with each EXP chain. (Say you have 5 attempts at a gathering spot and you successfully gather 5 times in a row. GP would recover 1>2>3>4>5 for 15 GP; assuming you did not use any GP that gathering attempt. Now, suppose you did 5 gathering attemps, but missed the 3rd one. GP recovered would be 1>2>0>1>2. GP recovery chain resets with EXP chain while gathering.)

Gathering - Increases chance to successfully gather an item. Will also provide a bonus to certain gathering nodes with Tree/Stone Whisperer.

Perception - Increases HQ gathering rate. Will also provide a bonus to certain gathering nodes with Tree/Stone Whisperer.

Crafting Stats
CP(Crafting Points) - Acts as MP for all crafting jobs. Gauge fills completely when you change to a crafting class and when you finish crafting an item. CP does not recover during synthesis unless a CP recovery skill was used. Allows use of special crafting skills. Skill effects include increasing durability of an item, increasing Control stat each time quality of an item is increased (to increase chance of HQ item), etc.

Craftsmanship - Increases the amount of progress gained when using Basic/Standard Synthesis.

Control - Increases the amount of quality gained when using quality increasing actions. The higher quality is for a synthesis, the higher your odds of making a High-Quality version of the item is. (Using HQ materials while crafting will also boost quality prior to starting the craft. The more HQ mats used, the more the quality bar will be filled at the start.)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: drakelth
Posts: 752
By Bismarck.Drakelth 2013-08-21 13:51:40
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Bookmarked, thank you for putting this together.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2013-08-21 14:57:06
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ok so how about more info? great info on stats here thanks. But what about weapon info? cause the weapons confuse me atm. like...ill just look at dragoon atm

Gae Bolg+1 PD 46 MD 35 (I assume this affects skills?) with an auto-attack of 47.84 and delay of 3.12 says dps is 14.74

now garudas beak. PD 41 MD 32 auto-attack 33.89 delay 2.48 dps 16.53.

So i assume the auto attack doesnt really matter since you mainly just spam skills. but can anyone clarify what everyone on the weapon means and which is better for dragoon?

now i know relic+1 has better str vit and acc. and has critical hit rating +26 where as garudas beak has less str vit and acc but has skill speed +29. so does crit+ beat skill speed+?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Cloull
Posts: 17
By Garuda.Cloull 2013-08-21 15:31:52
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He probably doesn't have that detailed amount of info yet. You're getting into nitty gritty details and percentage increases to DPS.

There's likely a diminishing return on stacking one stat over another. Like adding +10 STR at 360 STR base wouldn't be the same flat increase as adding +10 when your base was 50. I would assume this also applies to bonuses like +crit chance and +skill speed. Once you have so much, you start to see less of a boost to your overall DPS by stacking more, as you would by adding another stat.

All assumptions, and no one really has solid info out right now because the game still isn't live yet. I believe the best info you can get regarding that would be through the theory crafting post here in the general section.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-08-21 15:38:33
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Leviathan.Phenomena said: »
ok so how about more info? great info on stats here thanks. But what about weapon info? cause the weapons confuse me atm. like...ill just look at dragoon atm

Gae Bolg+1 PD 46 MD 35 (I assume this affects skills?) with an auto-attack of 47.84 and delay of 3.12 says dps is 14.74

now garudas beak. PD 41 MD 32 auto-attack 33.89 delay 2.48 dps 16.53.

So i assume the auto attack doesnt really matter since you mainly just spam skills. but can anyone clarify what everyone on the weapon means and which is better for dragoon?

now i know relic+1 has better str vit and acc. and has critical hit rating +26 where as garudas beak has less str vit and acc but has skill speed +29. so does crit+ beat skill speed+?

Let's compared the two with the stats side by side, shall we?

Gae Bolg +1
Main Hand › Lancer's Arm
Physical Damage
Magic Damage
Strength +31
Vitality +35
Accuracy +37
Critical Hit Rating +26
Requires DRG
Requires Lv. 50 Item Lv. 90
Crafting & Repairs
Repair LevelBlacksmith Lv.40
Repair ItemGrade 5 Dark Matter 350 gil
Garuda's Beak
Main Hand › Lancer's Arm
Physical Damage
Magic Damage
Strength +22
Vitality +24
Accuracy +20
Wind Resistance +13
Skill Speed +29
Requires LNC DRG
Requires Lv. 50 Item Lv. 70
Crafting & Repairs
Repair LevelGoldsmith Lv.40
Repair ItemGrade 5 Dark Matter 350 gil

As we can see here, Gae Bolg+1 has higher Physical/Magical/Auto-Attack damage, but lower DPS due to Garuda's lower delay. The delay only applies to auto attacks though. And while Skill Speed does lower the Global Cooldown, it's really not that big of a deal... The Crit and overall higher damage output from Gae Bolg +1 makes it superior to Garuda's Beak.

You have to remember that the DPS is going by auto-attack damage per second. The higher base damage on Gae Bolg means weapon skills do more damage. Which is what your main damage is going to be. And Crit rate+ is better over skill speed imo.

Now Spell speed, imo, is worth it depending on the item slot it is taking up. Also that "magic damage" on polearm is going to only affect Dragonfire Dive since that is the only elemental based attack dragoon has.

This is all speculation though because
1) Don't have a race to go by to determine base stats
2) No armor set to go with weapon, and armor set would have varying status + on it much like crit+ and skill speed+
3) Stacking certain stats stop being beneficial at a certain point, so then you'd want to focus on other stats+ stuff.

I personally would go with Gae Bolg+1 because it's a sexy mother f--ker. :3
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2013-08-21 16:10:19
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well im aiming for dragoon relic. or blm relic. but even if i got it not sure how to get the +1 version of it atm.

also moogle fork looks exactly like a relic-1 xD i guess it still might lose to garudas fork though because its higher delay. though crit+ might outweigh skill speed+. also more acc.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2013-08-21 16:16:29
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Also I think mages should have a ranged spell based auto-attack. because being arcanist and slapping a mob with a book isnt something you will do in a party nor is it even realistic >.> if they had a ranged spell that did dmg if they are in range (same range as brd/archer) then i think the dps on their weapons would matter more.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2013-08-21 17:19:41
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Leviathan.Phenomena said: »
because being arcanist and slapping a mob with a book isnt something you will do in a party nor is it even realistic.

In 6th grade, we were given an assignment to disprove old wise sayings/advice and the such... My friend and I teamed up and we were given two days to prepare why our saying was wrong.

Anyway, presentation day, my friend and I go up in front of the class without any sort of notes, poster, or powerpoint. Our teacher asked if we didn't do the assignment, but we certainly did...

"Today, we shall disprove the following phrase," I said. I turned to my friend and said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" He picked up a dictionary off his desk and hit me with it.

We got an A. :D
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2013-08-21 17:30:22
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I bet if you tried that now you would of got expelled, blamed your behavior on video games, possibly arrested for attempted murder, and made to wear a penguin outfit for the rest of your jail sentence. >.>

jk. but seriously magic based ranged auto attack! its genius!
Posts: 2
By lumpiarocket 2013-08-21 23:46:17
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thanks! very helpful
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zarrox
Posts: 76
By Asura.Ryndo 2013-09-04 04:34:56
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So I mainly plan to play MNK and DRG. should I be putting stats in anything but STR and if not..... when are they giving the point relocation ability? XD
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2013-09-04 07:44:04
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Point relocation is in the game already its called keeper's hymn its from the grand companies and costs 10k seals.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ravant
Posts: 1441
By Ragnarok.Ravant 2013-09-04 09:25:04
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Asura.Ryndo said: »
So I mainly plan to play MNK and DRG. should I be putting stats in anything but STR and if not..... when are they giving the point relocation ability? XD

Attribute points are different for each class you play. So DRG and PUG can be completely different without messing with each other as they have different base classes.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Gawdless
Posts: 1922
By Leviathan.Phenomena 2013-09-04 12:58:52
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Sadly i have all classes 50 but still haven't allocated my 30 extra attribute points because idk what is best xD. im sure they will be handy.

Kinda miss 1.0s weapon/armor system more. was more ffxi where as ARR is more... some other MMO i assume.